PaleoAce » Recipes » Breakfasts » Recipe

Paleo Quiche

A handy pre-cooked Paleo breakfast that is delicious served cold.

Ingredients (serves 2):

How To Make It:

Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees.

Mix the bacon with the left-overs and pour into an oven dish.

Pour the whipped eggs over the top and add the seasoning.

Bake for 25 minutes.

Serving Suggestions:

Serve with some rocket leaves.


* You can use any ingredients you have, e.g. left-over chicken, mince, mushrooms, peppers or any other vegetables instead of the left-overs I've used. I like to include sweet potato and beetroot in a pre-race breakfast for extra energy, but this is optional.

The left-overs I've used are courgettes nicoise, and baked sweet potato and beetroot.